Why Cleanse?

Here are 6 Great Reasons to Help Your Body Cleanse

Why cleanse our bodies when we know our bodies are made to do so on their own?  The answer is simple; just as you help your body grow, heal, or maintain a healthy weight with the right diet or other lifestyle choices such as exercise, you must help your body cleanse, too.

Certain health practices can support or suppress your body's natural cleansing abilities.  And these practices can help ward off illness or regain health, give you more energy, help your skin to look it healthiest and even delay the effects of aging.

body cleansing smoothie

Why Cleanse?  #1 Because Clearing Harmful Toxins Can Help You Avoid Health Issues

We live in a modern, industrial world where pollution of all types is rampant.   A side effect of this, unfortunately, is environmental toxins in the air, water sources, and soil, which comes back to us through the food we eat and the water we drink.

Examples of Common  Toxins

Chemical toxins such as perchlorate in our water upset the workings of the thyroid.A pesticide, called DDT for short, is an organochloride found in water and soil. It is known to be linked to various cancers, nervous system and liver damage, and hormonal problems. While banned today, it is still found in 99% of the people tested at the CDC because it is already in the environmental cycle.

Other chemical toxins or pollutants that build up in your bodily systems come from a number of sources such as a myriad of pesticides found in non-organic produce and grains. Also part of the mix are chemicals used as food colorings, preservatives, and other substances used in processing, artificial flavorings, food stabilizers and a number of other additives; especially in processed foods.

If your body becomes overburdened, toxins can remain in your system for life.  Helping your body with cleansing is a proactive way to take charge of your health.

#2 - Cleansing Aids Digestion

Probably the number one reason when asked why cleanse, is to help digestion.  It is well known that fasting for one day helps reset digestion.  But if you've been eating the SAD diet for too long, one day of not eating won't clear away years - or even decades - of built up waste.

This overload can cause digestive issues including parasitic infections or even inflammation.  Eating foods you're sensitive to can also contribute to gastrointestinal distress.

Consuming a detox or cleansing diet takes some of the burden off digestion as it allows your body the time to heal itself.  The body is self-healing, but we have to take the right steps to ensure it does.

#3 Cleansing Helps Your Skin Glow

Many estheticians claim your skin reflects your inner health; and they are more than likely right!  The healthier we are, the more our skin glows and radiates our inner health.

Our skin is an often overlooked organ of detoxification.  It holds all of our internal organs in place, but it is also used for respiration, but not oxygen.  It is capable of absorption of toxins such as a study that found a person is capable of absorbing up to 5 pounds of chemicals from makeup each year! (EWG News) On the other hand, you skin also can absorb healthy substances such as essential oils or natural hormonal creams. 

Another necessary function of our skin is to sweat to keep our body temperature in check.  But this sweat has another function; to carry out waste, which is why it is also known as an organ of elimination.

We live in a modern, industrial world where pollution of all types is rampant.   A side effect of this, unfortunately, is environmental toxins in the air, water sources, and soil, which comes back to us through the food we eat and the water we drink.

Examples of Common  Toxins

Chemical toxins such as perchlorate in our water upset the workings of the thyroid.A pesticide, called DDT for short, is an organochloride found in water and soil. It is known to be linked to various cancers, nervous system and liver damage, and hormonal problems. While banned today, it is still found in 99% of the people tested at the CDC because it is already in the environmental cycle.

#4 Cleansing Give You More Energy

Stored toxins in adipose tissue or even the fatty tissue that surrounds your organs may cause you to feel less than healthy.  The effects do not usually happen right after coming into contact with any environmental or food toxins, the damage is noticed after time.

 As your body becomes overwhelmed, it can often end up storing toxins instead of removing them on a daily basis. (CDC Analyzes Toxins in Humans)

As we help our bodies become more efficient at cleansing and detoxing, we have less burden on all systems and organs of our body.  This often results in better health and more energy for most people.

#5 Body Cleansing Can Help You Lose Weight

When our bodies become over burdened with poor eating habits and a stressful lifestyle, poor digestion results.  Not all of us feel that effect immediately, either.

More often, we see the results of sluggish metabolism, stemming from less than optimal digestion.  These results are weight gain, as our digestive tract becomes inefficient at removing all the waste it is supposed to.

We all know that if we eat too much meat, desserts or junk food on an ongoing basis, we gain weight.  That's because our bodies cannot digest, metabolize and remove all of what we are eating.

Using a body cleanse can help because of the lighter cleansing diet.  As digestion gets stronger, it begins to clear out the older waste that it couldn't before.

Body cleansing supplements often contain fiber (at least hopefully), which helps soften and remove any waste buildup in the intestinal tract.  Some health practitioners say up to 20 pounds or more of waste can be stored around this area, which may be why weight loss is so common for those who cleanse.

#6 Cleansing Your Body Can Help You Remove Subconscious Blockages

Why cleanse for your subconscious?  Perhaps one of the most controversial of the benefits of cleansing - but removing subconscious blockages is a side effect for many people.  There's a reason why many motivational speakers tout cleansing to assist those on a path to success.

Personally, I have helped many clients cleanse for this exact reason - and it works.  It may have to do with the mindset or feeling more powerful over their lives as they learn the discipline of cleansing, or perhaps they are more motivated or their minds are clear due to clearing physical waste that can cause a foggy mind.  Whatever the reason, it is one of the best perks or putting the effort into cleansing.